Mumbai, September 07 (Bollywood Galiyara) Rubina Dilaik won millions of hearts and emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss 14. Since then her next fans have been growing and the actor recently visited the Bigg Boss OTT sets. The actress spoke to a news helpline about her upcoming projects, met Karan for the first time, and much more. Speaking about visiting Bigg Boss sets again, he said, "I will be back in six months in the house where I have lived for 143 days of my life. I am also very happy but also nervous. I am very happy to see that house again."
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Speaking about his encounter with Karan, he said, "I met Karan for the first time in my life. This will be my first contact with him. So I'm happy to meet him and look forward to it." Also, about his future projects, the actor said, "I will continue to rejuvenate my fans. From now on, I want to keep the claim running. I like to surprise my viewers."
The actor will soon be making his debut in Bollywood with the film 'Ardh' directed by Palaash Muchhal. The film also features Hititen Tejwani, Rajpal Yadav and Kulbhushan Kharbanda. She will be seen portraying the role of a strong woman in the film.
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from Bollywoodgaliyara
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